STOP !! Sant Jordi !!!!

Fem una pausa al camí, per recordar que avui és la Diada de Sant Jordi.
Es fa molt estrany no estar a Barcelona i celebrar-ho amb els amics; quan ets a fora notes el que més trobes a faltar, i dies senyalats com aquests es troben molt a faltar :S I quan vius allà no te'n adones.

We made an Stop in the Russian trip to celebrate Sant Jordi's day !!! (St.George) wich is the saint of Catalunya and Barcelona also. It's very strange to not be at home in that superb day when the city is full of colours, senyeres (catalan flags) lovers and roses and books in the streets meanwhile the sunshine is giving some more colour only because is Sant Jordi's day.

In this unique day the guys gives roses to the girls/womens in their family and also the loved ones, as a symbol of love and respect or simply friendship ^^  And the girls that are with someone gives the guys a book. (i know, live is in that way, sorry girls !!)

This romantic tradition have an story behind that says that there was up on a time a King wich his town got a dragon that everyday needs to eat a young girl from the village. So they use to choose the girl, to have the dragon happy. One day it should be the King's daughter so he asked Sant Jordi to came and fight the dragon.

Meanwhile the girl became to go to the dragon's place to be eaten Sant Jordi became's to run as fast as he could riding his horse. When the dragon was ready to eat the poor princess, Sant Jordi arrive to fight the dragon, and after killing him in the bath of blood it became a rose from the dragon's blood; Sant Jordi won, and the princess never died; he picked up the rose and gived to her in signal of love.

This is the tale (more or less, and as I remember it ^^ , you can try to find it on google hehe)

Don't forget to bring a Rose to your loved ones!! I'll try to not do that mistake


Denkara ha dit…
No m'ha quedat molt bé, i te la envio una miqueta tard, pero espero que t'agradi la meva rosa! Bon Sant Jordi!!



P.D.:¿Pal GP de Montmeló estaràs aqui, no?
Denkara ha dit…
jo, que asquito! no me ha contado los espacios..y ha quedado la rosa toda apelotonada...ññee!!!

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