
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2009

Banc dels Aliments Jornada Solidària

Bé doncs, tot i que tinc moltes entrades pendents, avui publico aquesta abans. Es tracta del nou enllaç que podeu trobar en aquest blog sota tots els links; el Banc dels Aliments. És una ONG que ajuda a la gent de casa nostra que no pot menjar a diàri. Avui s'acaba el recapte d'aliments que fan a tota Catalunya, així que si us doneu pressa encara en podeu donar. Jo humilment he dut el que he pogut, 2kgs d'arròs, 1kg de pasta, 2kgs de llegums, 500gr de galetes, 3 paquets de tonyina.  Fem tots un petit esforç, done'm menjar a qui ho necessita. Aquí el link http://www.bancdelsaliments.org/ca/ Well so, even I have lots of entries to make, today i publish this one before the others. Is about the new link you can find after the usual ones, the Banc dels Aliments (Bank of Food)  This is an ONG (an Organization non Guvernamental) that is trying to help those people that lives here, in Catalunya, that can't eat everyday. Today is the last they of their last campaing, so hurr

La visita de Maren (Maren's Visit)

Hello bloggers! This is a new entry finally, after so so so so so long time (and thanks for all the shoes), Maren came here to visit Barcelona some weeks ago, and she asked to stay at home so she could, and we have been visiting the city and also some other places close to Barcelona (Tarragona, Torredembarra where we have a beach appartment, Roc Sant Gaietà and also Sitges), and this would be the history of those so fun memories. First I picked her up from the Estació del Nord the main bus station here, and we begun to visit.First it was home and later on, the centrum. Once in the centrum, Ramblas was something mandatory and also la Plaça Reial (a cool place were to party sometimes) Plaça Reial. and to the Plaça de Sant Jaume where the city council and the goverment of catalunya where both are placed. And as it has been the days of the city, we have been able to go inside the city council and to see the giants, a tradition from here in Catalonia from ages. Inside the city council with